DTDC Tracking status

DTDC Courier & Cargo Ltd. (DTDC) was founded by Mr. Subhasish Chakraborty in 1990. Within a short span, through its business associates, the company expanded its delivery network across the country, thereby creating one of India's Largest Domestic Delivery Networks.

DTDC Blue provides assured second business day delivery service to places far and wide across the country, to a large number of destinations which due to distance and connectivity can be delivered Second Business day also Money Back Guarantee if not delivered within committed delivery period.

DTDC Tracking Status:


DTDC Branches :


DTDC Customer Care

DTDC SMS Tracker

Services such as Consignment Tracking (Domestic & International), Pin-code serviceability and City serviceability are provided through SMS Tracker:

1.To Track your Shipment Type ‘DTDCConsignment Number’ and send SMS to 9845324040 (Example: DTDC B22399923).
2.To Check pin-code, Type ‘PINPin Code’ and send SMS to 9845324040 (Example: PIN 700019).
3.To Check Serviceable City, Type ‘CITYCity Name’ and send SMS to 9845324040 (Example: CITY Agra).

Email Tracker
DTDC E-mail Tracker is an e-mail based solution for customers to track their shipment.Customers need to mention the set of shipments separated by comma in the body of the e-mail and send an e-mail to track@dtdc.com.

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