Check your Name in Voterlist West Bengal and Electoral details

Voter list West Bengal online 

 Toll Free help line in West Bengal for Voters - 1950 

To know your electoral details in West Bengal message phone  -9433633333

The Chief Electoral Officer functions under the superintendence, direction & control of the Election Commission of India as delineated in the Representation of the People Acts, 1950  & 1951. Visit the official site for more details :

Form6 can be used for fresh application or adding names in the Voter
Form 8 can be used for any modification or correction in Voter id west Bengal  

West Bengal Voter list

Search your Voter list in West Bengal

CEO West bengal voter list  easily get name in voter list, 2014 voterlist west bengal
West Bengal voter list 2014.CEO West Bengal Website. Download West Bengal Voter list 2014.Find Your Name in West Bengal voter list 2014.Add your name in West Bengal voter list 2014.Online voter registration for West Bengal voter list. You can check your name on CEO West Bengal official website CEO West .If you are 18 years old or above and you are looking for vote in upcoming GENERAL ELECTION 2014 or STATE ASSEMBLY ELECTION, And you want to check your name in West Bengal voter list 2014 or want to add your name in WEST BENGAL VOTER LIST 2014 or want to download voter registration form from CEO WEST BENGAL. There is good news for you by government of West Bengal or chief electoral officer West Bengal (CEO WEST BENGAL). West Bengal voter list are now available online for you. CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER WEST BENGAL provides facility to check your name from ELECTION COMMISSION