HP Gas booking

Booking of Hp cylinders occur, offline and online.
HP Gas Booking Online Method:
Existing Customers:
* To obtain Hp gas cylinder after booking, existing customers should:
* Visit Hp Gas Consumer Zone under Quick Link on HpGas website
* On next page, sign in using ID n Password making online booking
* Otherwise online member, register by clicking Subscribe to Existing Consumer
New Customers:
* To obtain Hp gas cylinder after booking, new customers should:
* Visit Hewlett packard Gas Consumer Zone under Quick Link on Hp Gas website
* On next page, register by clicking Subscribe to New Connection
* After you have registerd online, a number plate is produced, after that the customer is needed to submit valid documents and fee.
* Then new consumer is allocated someone Number for booking Hp Gas
Click on the below application for online HP gas booking and New connectoin:

HP Gas Phone Booking:
Someone may even book his connection via Customer Service just by calling the needed number. The client care amounts exist online.
Web site to Get Hp Gas Cylinder After Booking, Consumer Should:
* Click E Mail Us online
* On next page, drop listing of Office/Plants/Depots choose LPG Consumer Care Cell then choosing Condition
* Relevant states Customer Service Cell phone number and address can look
Dial time and obtain Hewlett packard gas cylinder after booking over the telephone.
HP Gas booking Offline Method:
Existing Consumer:
For that existing people to reserve an association is extremely simple as they need to just provide their Consumer Number allocated for them:
Physical Access:
In offline mode, the customers are needed to personally visit their particular marketers together with their Consumer Number to be able to file any request, query or complaint. The addresses can be found in the state website of Hp gas.
Through SMS/IVR:
Cylinders could be reserved by delivering SMS or IVR instructions with the following amounts:
* Vizag N Hyderabad 9666023456
* Kolkata 9088823456
* Chennai 9092223456
* Delhi 9990923456
* Patna 9507123456
* Bangalore 9964023456
* Lucknow 9889623456
* Pune N Mumbai 8888823456
* Chandigarh – 9855623456
* Kerala 9961023456
For Brand New Connection:
If your consumer really wants to enroll in Hp gas and it is availing new connection, he or she must get themself registered using the nearest Hp gas dealer to be able to get online connection. For this function, he’s needed to submit his recent photograph together with his photo Id and address proof.